Our events

Key dates of the project

Avril 14, 2021

Project meeting and round table

By video conference

This project meeting, which should have taken place in Paris, will be organized online due to the health situation. A moment will be dedicated to testimonies of GEM members who will introduce a round table about peer-help.

April 15

Kick-off meeting

By video conference

The purpose of this kick-off meeting is to present the IncluPsy project.

Come and join us!

6-7 December 2021

Project meeting and study visit

Rome, Italy

Project meeting and study tour.
More information coming soon.

February 25, 2022


By the universities of Montreal and Yale

More information coming soon.

7-8 March 2022

Project meeting and study visit

Namur, Belgium

Project meeting and study visit.
More information coming soon.

23-24 May 2022

Project meeting and study visit

Paris, France

Project meeting and study visit.
More information coming soon.

4-6 July 2022


By UPH Vrapce, Zagreb

An evidence-based approach to reducing stigma and discrimination against people with mental health problems and their social inclusion.

6-7 October

Project meeting and study visit

Athens, Greece

Project meeting and study tour.
More information coming soon.