8-10 November 2022
Our last project meeting in Paris was a little bit disrupted by strikes and fuel shortage.
First, the partners were able to meet the members of the GEM Luciole 92. The latter were able to present their GEM and the way they conceive this mutual aid space. A shared meal and a visit in Paris allowed the partners to experience the daily life of the members: convivial moments, exchanges and creation of links, and an opening to the other and to the culture.
In a second phase, the partners were able to meet the Jean Caurant Work Assistance Establishment in Bagneux. Within the framework of the law on differentiation, decentralization, deconcentration and various measures to simplify local public action, the mission of the ESATs focuses more on supporting the professional projects of the workers, in particular by promoting access to employment in an ordinary environment. The specific status of the person is maintained: the ESAT is not an ordinary company, the person does not have the status of an employee; on the other hand, the person is recognized as a subject of rights, who produces added value through his or her work in an ESAT and new rights similar to those of employees are granted, such as the right to exceptional leave or access to professional training. Workers can be integrated into the mainstream environment with the assurance that if the ESAT orientation period is broken, they will be able to find their place in the establishment. People can also be gradually integrated into the mainstream environment, with the possibility of combining a part-time job in an ESAT with a part-time work contract with a mainstream employer.
The workers of the ESAT and the workshop monitors presented their work: green spaces, tertiary workshop and restoration. A delicious lunch “French specialties” was served by the workers of the catering workshop.
We also finalized the good practice guide and made the last modifications to our four videos about social inclusion. The guide and videos will be available very soon!
Finally, we have defined the modalities of our dissemination event around the project. We will organize a webinar on the occasion of the World Day of Disabled People which will take place on December 2nd at 2:30 pm (CET). You can already save the date!